You’ve almost certainly heard of Craigslist. The bare bones site is probably the biggest classifieds section in the US, if not the world. People visit the site to find houses, jobs and free sofas. They also have several ‘gigs’ sections, which are basically short term jobs. Anything from working a single one day event, […]
Tag: make money
The P2P revolution is here! You’ve heard of sharing your house using Airbnb, you’ve heard of driving for people via Uber, but did you know that you can now make money cooking for people, right from your home? That’s what a half dozen new startups are trying to bring to the sharing economy. I’m fascinated by the […]
One of the three goals with which this blog began was to explore ways to make money while on the road. While we advise traveling as simply and economically as possible, it is generally necessary to have some money coming in if you plan to travel indefinitely. Though this blog focuses on traveling, this list would also be […]